I don't do anti-social media, so PLEASE don't post or copy this anywhere.

Self-employed, house, cars, mountain bike, motorcycle.  Looking for new friends that can afford to go out, travel.  
LTR with the right person someday, someone smart, healthy, sexy, creative to enjoy life with.

I would like a woman who:
can go to dinner without her phone.
can go to dinner without a purse.
can let her man lead (walking).
can travel light and short notice (sometimes).
can help paint the house or support with food, drink, other.
can ride a mountain bike, or chill at the pool/hotel till I get back.
can survive without TV, radio and enjoy peace, quiet and your own thoughts.
likes trains, brunch, a.m. sexy time.
likes a jacuzzi and would make love in one.
says yes more often than no.
is a happy drinker or doesn't drink at all.
is creative, loving, open, affectionate, passionate, forward, an instigator, PDA friendly.
has few to no tattoos.
has few or no piercings.
looks good with little to no makeup
sees things a little better and brighter than they are, not worse.

NO Republicans, religious, drugs, alcoholics, winos, pets, fear, hate, face filters, fakebook anti-social media

Please text me or WhatsApp me if you want to say hello.